Our Solutionsimg_slide01

Staff conduct and productivity concerns are often found to be undermining school improvement or reform initiatives in buildings designated as persistently "underperforming" or "non-performing" by their respective state departments of education - and even in some otherwise "performing" schools struggling to demonstrate consistent year-over-year student achievement gains. When it comes to actually taking steps to address such issues, however, many school leaders feel as if they are caught between a rock and a hard place. (More...)

On one hand, education supervisors accept that they need to hold staff accountable for actions and behaviors that are inconsistent with the mission, vision, and goals of their school systems. On the other, they know that a sizeable number of the complaints brought against school systems across the country are raised by their own employees - many of whom allege some form of improper treatment by their administrations before, during, or after corrective or disciplinary actions.

The question is not whether school leaders can or should take action to address these types of issues, but how to do so proactively, effectively, and defensibly in a fair, reasonable, thoughtful, and consistent manner. Our staff development, regulatory compliance, and program monitoring products offer school board members, human resource directors, principals, and classified supervisors a comprehensive, research-backed set of solutions to this problem.

Staff Development


Staff Development

Procedural Framework


Procedural Framework

Decision Support


Decision Support